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Small white in a sentence

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Sentence count:72Posted:2019-03-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bullwhipin a small waysmall wondersmall wonder thatwhitewhiteywhitenwhitedMeaning: n. small widely distributed form. 
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31. A small white star on the chest is allowed.
32. Long with a loose top small white pompon .
33. She fringed the small white flag with red satin.
34. Any of several North American plants of the genus Mitella, having heart-shaped leaves and clusters of small white flowers with pinnately divided petals.
35. Holly showed us a small white stuffed bear named Lucy.
36. It has small white berries light bottle that feel like leather.
37. Small thin still fed 1 to have much of character to have a little savage leveret son, named"small white".
38. I'm living near where Luke lives in Episode IV, so I must be watching over him, and living in a small white room in a hut.
39. Beautifully grass tendril eyes open, small white long red more female gills.
40. This is a small white antique vases, there are exquisite glaze decoration.
41. Elders have a cluster of small white flowers and dark purple berries.
42. Pigments have clay ( white clay ), calcium carbonate , sand , small white , aluminum hydroxide and titanium dioxide.
43. But for all the modesty of her spreading skirts, the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap, her true self was poorly concealed.
44. It has small white berries and leaves that feel like leather.
45. It has certain model function to the resources - limited small white liquor enterprise.
46. Any of various shrubs or trees of the genus Viburnum, having opposite leaves, showy terminal clusters of small white or pink flowers,[ white.html] and red or black drupes.
47. Between the pitiable look and my sympathy stands that small white kitten.
48. The research of the methods of the determination of Pt in bio-samples of small white mouse has done by GFAAS.
49. The following day, scamper about goes to small white hare bakery, " Boss, have 100 bun? "
50. Any of various plants of the genus Gypsophila, having small white or pink flowers and including baby's breath.
51. The small white rabbit has a beautiful casket with many seeds inside.
52. The small white bird floated from among the park trees.
53. Neck and the place drawing near neck have red small pimple baby on the left, have small white hubble-bubble.
54. He's got white hair, receding a bit, and a small white beard.
55. Aletris in the lily family, especially A. farinosa of eastern North America, having racemes of small white flowers and rootstocks formerly used in medicine to treat colic.
56. Feeding small white rabbits showed that the mushroom was non poisonous.
57. Even though black-n-tan and piebald dogs exist, they aren't valued by the breed purists, but small white markings are acceptable.
58. There is also a small white leiomyoma at the lower left.
59. Is 2 pieces of to repair D even now one Shan is at me but lead, Moncler Manteau Femme, invincible small white 11 quickly resumed natural status, a bottom began panting at a ground of top.
60. Any of various plants of the genus Thalictrum, having compound leaves and clusters of small white, yellowish, or purplish apetalous flowers.
More similar words: bullwhipin a small waysmall wondersmall wonder thatwhitewhiteywhitenwhitedwhiteswhite outoff-whitewhite-outwhiteoutmill wheelwhite goldsnow-whitewhite antwhite-tiewhite manwhite lieegg whitewhite-hotwhite foxwhite tiewhitenerwhitenedwhite-washwhitewashwhitecapwhite hope
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